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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Circumcision.
Thread: Circumcision.
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Old 24th January 2008, 08:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- I've found another posting entitled: 'Help for a massage boy ... .' interesting as most - but not all - of the TH. boyz whom I have met have 'skins. that pull-back quite easily. Even those whose 'skins. are tight initially will be retractable with a bit of gentle att'n. after a while in many cases.

-- Y'day.,(23rd.), I was at 'BABYLON SAUNA.' and sunning myself by the pool. On the opposite side, and in the shade, were three TH. pretty boyz - tall and lanky creatures with next to no figures at all, just their pretty and rather empty-looking faces; however, one of them was shewing a package of wch. any man might be proud.
- Later-on a gp. of them, incl. the above three, entered the Jacuzzi and sat-down nr. me. After a while, observing that a couple of them were shewing erections, I moved over and those two allowed me to play with them for a brief while: both are a good 6".LOA. and their 'skins were tight around their well-developed glandes with no signs of being able to be retracted. The others were all snooty and would allow this elderly farang to touch them - not my loss!
- Later, one of the two took the adjacent shower to the one that I was using - his **** was flaccid at that time, but he allowed me to play with it and to smoke it for a few all too short moments.

-- This morning I mentioned the above to an elderly and American acquaintance who opined that they would face problems in later life.
- He mentioned that when he was in the US. Army, serving-in JP. after WW2., every week the men living-in bks. would have to line-up at the feet of their bunks so that the 'Pecker checker.' could say: 'OK., men, drop your drawers.' prior to his inspection; those who were unc'cised. would be ordered: 'Milk it.' so that their glandes could be checked.
- I mentioned that I thought that in the US. Army after WW2. - with its prevalence of VD., despite the intro. of P'cillin. - all men who needed it were c'cised. on enlistment as a matter of routine and as an simple form of prophylaxis? Apparently my supposition was untrue.
-- bibi. --
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