So many jaded people! Fings ain't wot they used t'be. They never are and never were. Twilight used to have only Twilight sleaze Bar and Chardonnay ripped plastic sofas and tough Mamasan.
The one statement that I would certainly take issue with is:
"the Soi has declined in both quality and quantity" sextile
There are more bars than ever before and the total of boys must be many more and the bars are more elegantly decorated than before. In fact sleaze is getting difficult to find.
Bars go up and down in overall quality and vary by the hour day and week. I will be showing a newbie around in a week and I will take him to Hotmail ( a friend visited this week and reported a very good show ), Dream Boys and Fresh Beach Boys and he will have a ball and gape with astonishment at big cock shows and the fuck shows. He will drool lustily at the boys - which many in the West would happily crawl over broken glass to bed at home. He will not notice the drink prices or worry about the off fees or tipping a mere 1500 baht.
That's what happened last time anyway. We went to Dream Boys and he declined to off a boy that he ( 68 years old ) found attractive. In his cups he gave the boy his hotel name and room number. Later that evening the boy turned up and they frolicked, the boy departed, no money changed hands. This friend was delirious with joy. They have remained in touch.
The few boys that I have offed over the last year have been a delight. I am constantly astonished how affectionate even the longer serving boys can be. I only had one small contretemps in a bar which was Future Boys. It was about a boy ordering a drink on my account without my permission. The amount was deducted from my bill without a quibble.
I think that familiarity breeds contempt. Living in Thailand one gets used to only having sex with gorgeous guys that one could never hope to enjoy in our home countries. Naturally the supply of superstars is limited and they often get a sugar daddy and/or mommy or get whisked abroad.
Perhaps there are too many bar competing. Certainly the number of massage/sex places has rocketed and many seem to prefer these. I don't understand why but each to his own.
It's hard to see any division of gay establishment that has not had a meteoric rise in numbers and quality in recent years.