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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bar reports - BKK
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Old 27th January 2008, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Each to his own, of course; olde English proverb: 'One man's meat ... .'.
- Maybe my eyes are jaded from being a permanent resident - subject to the Immig'n. Bureau's good-will - as opposed to a from-time-to-time visitor who might well return to BKK. as a thirsty camel returns to the oasis!
- Personally I'm not averse to a bit of sleaze; yes - I do look-back to the good and olde daze to the times of the original 'TWILIGHT BAR.' where there was inter-action between the a go-go boys and us voyeurs; likewise in 'NATURE BOYS.' where the boyz wore only little aprons with nothing beneath. Now, with everyone seated confortably, life has departed from such places.
- Instead of UP-grading to untorn seating etc. I'd rather that the money was spent on UP-grading their presently LO-fi. PA. systems.
- It wasn't I who originated that a recent perf. in 'X-BOYS.' was 'Boring.' and 'Lack-lustre.', it was an elderly and visiting American on his first visit here.
- But I'd agree that today's 'HOTMALE's.' bold/f*ck-show is probably the best in the Soi.
-- bibi. --
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