at the THAI RED CROSS ANONYMOUS CLINIC, it is very easy and anonymous (u dont have to give ur name, u just get a number) to get the blood tested.
so no excuses for not being tested....
Their clinic is very near to Silom, at Rama-4 road, just opposite the Montien Hotel (a few meters behind Surawong road, but across the street.
-- BKK. XTN. HOSP'L., on Si Lom rd., in conjunction with CDC. Atlanta run a free and anon. clinic, too; with them it's called the
Unit and is sign-posted from Recep'n. to its loc'n. on the 3rd. floor.
- Hrs. are tue.-sat.
- Testing is free and anon.; at one's first visit one enters certain & basic info. on a computer screen and is given a swipe type of card that gives
no indication of its use.
- They test for HIV. and for Syphillis,
as CDC. has found that HIV. pats. are prone to suffer from Sy., too.
- Any follow-up medications are
not free!
- contact: (02)-634 2917. ---
DrZ@tuc.or.th -
silom@tuc.or.th --http://www.silomclinic.in.th
- E&OE.. Usual disclaimer. -- bibi. --