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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - WARNING! A New and Virulant Strain ... .
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Old 15th February 2008, 01:36 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- The flg. is condensed from a BLOOMBERG article in today's 'BKK. Post.' -

-- HIV. uses the protein Integrin Alpha4Beta7. in an early phase of infection when the virus invades and grows in the human gut's lymph tissues.
- The virus disables the Human Immune System by targeting its T-Cells, leaving patients vulnerable to many other and subsequent infections.
- Much of the destruction of the lymphatic tissues occurs early on in the course of the disease. One of the earliest events that occurs with HIV. infection is the depletion of memory of the T-Cells in the human gut.
- It is believed that the level of of the virus that becomes established in human blood and tissues early in infection - the Viral Set Point. - will determine the severity of the patient's case - hence it's important to try and lower the patient's VSP.. Blocking the A4B7. may offer such a path.
- Why is there this association between the human gut and the HIV. virus? It is believed that the A4B7. is the prime homing receptor of the lymphoid tissues in the human gut.
- Another molecule involved with HIV's. attackand early entry into the cells is CCR5., wch. is blocked by Pf*z*r's 'Selzentry.' medication - wch. is the first such new type of HIV. drug to be approved in MORE than ten years.

-- Further info. may be found in the journal: 'Nature Immunology.'.

-- E&OE.. I write as a non-medical person. -- bibi.. --
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