X Boys last night was virtually full before the 10:00 pm show started. Stage also filled with a wide range of boys, some - and this was a surprise given my recent experiences in Soi Twilight - especially pleasing to my eye. But what on earth is the point in packing so many boys on the stage all the time you can hardly see most of them! What happened to rotation?
The show had some good moments - an erotic, naked body-painting dance, a small slim guy with the largest c--k I have seen in years during the BC show, a mini golf game with, you guessed it, as clubs - but with gaps of up to 5 minutes between the acts and each one lasting twice as long as it should, the 75 minutes seemed like 3 boring hours. Why cannot bar owners realise that a shorter, slicker show is far more interesting. Presumably also it will increase profits as I saw many more Bt 250 drinks being sold during the go go dancing than during the show. Last point, the air conditioning was freezing.