Originally Posted by billinbkk
... did I bother to mention that I'm going there on a church mission?? ... .
-- Well, many of us Limeys, (aka. Poms.), are familiar with the expression: '
To bash the Bishop.'.
- Those of a certain age and who served in the British Army before it became all too uptight and PC. may remember the bawdy ballard about the '
Monk of great renown.' and the Limerick about '
Bishop of Birmingham.' amongst many another '
Man of the cloth.'.
- But as you'll be going there on a Church mission allow me to print the flg. verse, wch. is sung to the tune of '
My bonnie lies over the ocean.' -
'My uncle's a church missionary,
'A saving young TH. boys from sin.
'He'll save you one for a fiver -
'By George, how the money rolls in!'.
-- May you enjoy, (yourself & others - ha!
), and be happy. -- bibi.. --