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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - viagra
Thread: viagra
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Old 10th March 2008, 01:49 AM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 72

i think the power 1 walnet was exactly what was given to the gogo boy i was seeing. he cancelled my off the weekend before last, saying he thought he had food poisoning when eating out with a customer. *of course i was very sceptical - thought he had a more generous customer that night*..

5 days later, he messaged to tell me that he just came out of the hospital. *eyeroll*

when i saw him this weekend, he said that he went out dancing with a client from singapore who shared half pill of some type of drug with him; afterwards he felt all the symptoms described here. he had to go to a hospital to get detox. i told him i thought it was bad E or something.

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