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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 12th April 2008, 10:23 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
Clearly, you've never been to Thailand.

Welcome to the board. Stick around. You'll learn the meaning of "the more things change, the more they stay the same".
Have called Thailand home for going on eleven years now.

Went to Hero on Wednesday and had a great time with J___. Tipped him 3000 Baht. He was well worth it and when I go back, I doubt the Mamasan will tell me, "No boy for you tonight." Hell, when it was clear I wasn't going to manage a happy ending despite his best efforts and I told him "mai bpen rai," he announced he would smoke me, which is not something I requested nor would expect. Because of that and the fantastic two hours that preceded it, he deserved a good deal more than Baht 3000, but I'm not authorized to hand out the croix de guerre decoration, no matter how deserving the recipient.

Also took a boy off from one of the bars on the (supposedly) dreaded Soi Twilight Wednesday. I took him off for two nights, but he stayed with me at home for three days & nights and was tipped 15,000 Baht. He then asked to stay until at least Monday, but he made a point of saying he didn't want any more money. He's lying naked on the sofa watching some Vin Diesel movie now and looking good enough to eat.

It's not just the money, since they don't know how much they're getting until we're ready to part company, and I can guarantee you it's not my sexual aura. I'm over 60 and not fat by farang standards, but hardly "fighting fit." And, these are not isolated incidents. In all these years there have been very few disappointments, and those amounted to nothing when compared to all the wonderful boys I've spent time with and the great experiences I've had with them.

I treat the boys like they're a joy to be with (which they usually are) and that they are not one-use, disposable toys. Considering all the bitching by some people on this message board about the boys and their alleged poor attitudes, I just have to believe it's they who are fed up with the attitudes of some farang. Actually that works to my advantage since the boys I encounter in the bars and massage parlours apparently are so relieved I'm not another farang who thinks he can walk on water, that I reap the rewards. I hope my reasonable tipping standards do inflate expectations and price some people out of the market.

What goes around cums around.
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