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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bathhouse / Gym Advice
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Old 24th April 2008, 11:57 AM
jonwill    Online Now 
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 31

I haven't been to a bathouse for quite a while, but always found them to be a lot of fun.

When you get there, take some time to walk around and get the feel of the place. You will see what is going on around you. Remember, everybody is there for the same thing, and if you keep your head about you, you should have no problem. Only do what you are comfortable with. I have never had any problems telling somebody no when I became uncomfortable with somethng.

Have a great time, and I'm sure we wouild all like to hear how things go for you. Vegas is a GREAT town to have fun in!
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