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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Low season
Thread: Low season
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Old 10th May 2008, 04:07 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
We seem to be having a spate of nanny-state lectures lately, no?

Oh, I don't know. The emotional rants in one form or another have been going on for a long time. Certainly some of them have been lectures, nanny-state or condescending:

Set the ground rules early and don't stray from them. Stick to your guns. These guys have got more stories than Carter has liver pills. Don't believe them. If a hand job is worth THB 1,000 that's it.....full stop!)
While others are failed attempts at being patronizing, the assumption being that someone who is terminally negative about life has been in Thailand longer than someone who is not cynical about everything.

Clearly, you've never been to Thailand.

Welcome to the board. Stick around. You'll learn the meaning of "the more things change, the more they stay the same".
And then going on with the aforementionned erroneous assumption about who has lived in Thailand longer...
As I wrote earlier, clearly this new poster has never set foot inside The Kingdom. People who have never been here don't realize how different things are here.....which keeps those of us who live here posting about our experiences.
...we get hit with the cries de coeur of those whose cranky methodolgy seems not to be working very well and who apparently wants some nanny-state tea & sympathy.

So, I told her that I'd take whoever would be happy fucking a fat farang. She asked the guys (about 10 or so) who would like to go with me and they ALL said "NO!!" So, she turned to me and said "Sorry, no boy for you tonight." I left there and went to Royal. As I approached, the two massage guys sitting outside got up and went inside, leaving me standing on the street alone.
Anyone need a nanny-state hanky to wipe away the tears as the sun sets on the wise old farang "standing on the street alone?"
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