Don't know about the lady there. I tried the place out from around noon to 4:30 or so on Friday and was impressed. I told her this was my first experience in such a place and confirmed her side of the etiquette rules. Then I bought 2 rolls of tokens. I found that you can put a few in the hand on the side the video's on and constantly feed them in while you're swallowing. I didn't her her yell at anybody...not once. I think (from my very limited experience here) that if one keeps feeding the tokens, she'll be a happy camper. When I went back for more tokens, we talked again and she KNOWS the big light comes on sometimes...and she knows if you're reasonably consistent with the tokens.
I've got to tell you...I had a wonderful time there and am itching to go back again. I managed to swallow 8 cocks in a little over 4 hours. It could have been nine, but I scared the guy off. (This was kind of funny, in retrospect). He was over there jacking it and getting it hard. It was a nice BIG...L..O..N..G one, too. He put the head through the hole and I gave it a lick. Then he pulled it out and started jacking it again. I saw him turn toward the hole, so I stood up...calculating in my head the approximate position of his cock relative to the hole at a given moment in time...put my ass against the hole and spread 'em as far as they'd go -- pushing it as flat against the hole as it would get. I felt his cock dead on the money. He pushed a little and the head started to go in. Then, he realized it wasn't a tongue lapping at his cock. I never saw anybody put his pants on so fast in my entire life. Inside of 3 seconds, he was out the door and GONE. (I told him I wanted to fuck).
I did have a great time and got the best blowjob ever from a guy wearing panties, a garter belt, and stockings. WOW!!!
And, if he's reading this, I would love to meet face to face, somewhere private. We could admire each other's lengere.
I will do this again! SOON!