what good do the campaigns do in 2008?
Very little, according to the increasingly alarming statistics. But let's not forget it was only a few years ago when Babylon was raided and a senior government or police officer showed a used condom as evidence that sexual activity was taking place there! If senior officials don't know about the importance of condoms, what chance does the rest of the populations have?
Let's not forget, too, that in the USA saunas were closed in the 1980's soon after the extent of the HIV epidemic was discovered - and that rates in the US began to fall thereafter. (Granted that's a simplified conclusion - but closure of the saunas did contribute).
I believe two factors will prod the government to take some sort of action. 1. escalating healthcare costs for the increasing numbers of HIV/AIDS paients. 2. the government's desire to promote the country's image as a family tourist destination.
Only a major and sustained effort by the saunas actively to promote safe sex is likely to get the blessing of Khun Natee who, let's also not forget, has done more than almost anyone to promote gay issues and acceptance in Thailand.