Originally Posted by sextile
- NB.: in TH. it's considered extremely rude to point at someone with one's finger or foot- hence the number. One asks one of the waiters or Bar Capt'n. for 'Boi number so-and-so.', who will be brought-over to join you for a drink, social chat and whatever else!  -- Bibi.. --
I almost always want eye contact with the guy as a kind of final indication that he seems to be right for me before calling him over. If you make eye contact (which invariably produces a smile from him) you can pat the seat next to you and he will magically appear at your side with no rude gestures on your part.
Contrary to many another ...I try to obtain agreement on svces. offered ...and a rough expectation of payment - back in the hotel it may be too late!
There's no right or wrong way to go about this. I certainly always make clear what it is I want from him before we even confirm that I want to off him, but both his assets & performance as well as his compensation are not revealed until we are back at the hotel.
I've never had a boy act reluctant before hand or disappointed afterwards. If things work out well, I usually make an explicit offer for future encounters since I do agree that the guy's pay shouldn't always be left to my mood of the moment. And, the few who have repeatedly put in award winning performances are presented with a long-term contract of sorts.
In the first encounter there is definitely an element of trust involved. I think maybe the guys can "read" who is going to be a penny-pincher and who will be reasonably generous, just as many of us can predict who will be good for us and who will not make the evening one to remember fondly. Not always accurate on either side, but fairly good percentages.
I have noticed that certain posters repeatedly complain about boys "demanding" a certain amount either before or after an off or massage, or grumbling when cash is tendered. Never experienced anything like that myself. It has to be something other than random luck that makes for the different experiences.