Originally Posted by icon513
Does the exclamation point mean that you think this is high? ... .
-- It's difficult to give a '
Cold' answer as for me the TIPS. depends on several factors such as: the
rapport between the
masseur and me; the quality of the basic massage, and w/o. the
masseur telling me what a great/skilled
etc. etc. masseur he is, (as happened during my recent visit to ARENA MASSAGE
); skills for the '
Extras.'; general consideration for me as a customer; anyother considerations that I might have.
- But, all being well, for a
one hour's basic oil-massage with some fairly competent and satisfying '
Extras.' I'd say that
1,000.oo.Bh. is quite enough.
-- While I do u'stand. that some customers do
not realize that they should give a TIPS. to their
masseur yet I do
not like being advised of what a MINIMUM TIPS. should be.
- The Capt. or Mamasan should enquire if it's the customer's first time in a massage parlor? If the answer were to be '
YES.' then the former should point-out politely that it's the TH. custom to give the
masseur a TIPS. in appreciation of his skills and so on; were the customer to reply that he'd visited such parlors before then the reply would be along the lines that he wouldn't need reminding then of the TH. custom about giving the
masseur a TIPS.. But I fear lest the Capt./M'san. might
not be up to that degree of looking-after their staff.
Bibi.. --