My take is that if a minimum tip is displayed it tells you it is a sex establishment and one should not be afraid to ask the mama-san exactly what the tip covers - just a hand job, getting smoked... If you do not think the boy deserves the minimum tip you just tell him you will give him the tip at the cashiers desk when you have checked with the mama-san if a cursory hand job with nothing else is what is was supposed to cover. Likely then the boy will just take your Bht500. In the other establishments like Apsara and Silom massage the boys are usually not backward in negotiating the tip before they do anything.
Following up on Sextiles comment that the mama-san should explain to a new customer up front - that is what happened to me last week in an excellent spa in Bali - Mams-san took me to the room, had me undress and sitting ready for foot scrub, then said no fucking or sucking but you get a hand job if you want and you can touch the masseur and it is normal to give a tip of x - y. As it turned out the 90 minutes seemed to be one long hand job and the guy had his clothes off and let me suck him with out any hesitation.