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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 29th August 2008, 12:29 PM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 32

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Here's yet another massage parlor -
- address: Boss Mansion,
Rama IV. rd.;
- BTS.: Ekkamai, (E7).;
- loc'n.: nr. i'sect. Rama IV.:S'vit.42.;
I've had some incredible times at AGAYA. It's more attuned to Thai customers, and I've had occasional difficulties making myself understood, but, being near a university compus, a high proportion of the masseurs are students, some of whom have reasonable English.

A good point is that their "trained masseurs" actually ARE trained on an on-going basis by a trainer who visits weekly.

Last year, I discoverd my best ever masseur there, a student who managed to come up with a new way of wowing me sexually every week. I have never found another masseur with his sexual expertise. He claimed to have got it through "private research" with a few friends absolutely every afternoon while they were all at high school.

Most incredible to me was a Tantric position whereby he sat astride the massage table, jiggling his hips slightly to maintain his hard and massage my prostate with it. Meanwhile, he was doing one of those feather-light massages up and down my **** with the finger-tips of both hands, and driving me totally insane by continually mopping the pre-cum from the eye of my **** with the tip of his tongue.

Like that, he had me gasping continuously, which meant that I was short of oxygen due to the inability to breathe out. I wanted him to make me cum in that state, which I have heard can be pretty amazing, but he wouldn't try it with someone shall we say not in the first blush of youth!

I hasten to add that the guy is no longer at AGAYA, but my point is that you can find some interesting masseurs there, better educated than the usual run of Isaan farmers' sons. And, I've just remembered that they used to offer Thai Massage for Erectile Dysfunction, which you had to book a day in advance. Never tried it, though.

AGAYA is situated directly above the Daily Mart at the bus stop on Rama IV road, immediately after the Soi 42 traffic lights (when coming from Silom).

The very obvious (but possibly unmarked) entrance to the building is from the car park infront of Boss Mansion apartment building. You go up 1 floor in the lift. No need to go into Boss Mansion itself, which is a separate building.

Remove shoes when entering the AGAYA apartment, they are stored inside. Don't worry if you see a woman: she's the accountant. You'll be given the usual drink of water or tea and asked to select a masseur from an album. It's all rather informal. With luck, some English speaker will appear to help you choose.

The place is surprisingly well-equipped, with massage rooms with lockable doors and walls all the way up, some with showers and even small saunas. The proper massage tables often have head holes, though the holes tend to be blocked up with pillows.

The Boss Mansion bus stop makes it convenient (depending on the traffic!) to use one of several buses on Rama IV, (Nos 22, 45, 46, 115 from Silom, &c), so avoidng the walk from BTS Ekkamai on a hot day.
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