-- During the evening of
21st., and seeking sustenance, I went to CHAMCHURI SQ..
- Having cruised-around and seen nothing I went to BKK. GRILL, (Zone '
A'.,(end nrest. to Tnn. Phaya Thai.), GdFl.,(st. level.),
#145-46.), arriving at approx.
- Imagine my surprise to see the place
CLOSED: lights OUT, chairs stacked on tables and so on. I spoke with the young waitress - with whom I synchronised my watch:
'At the third stroke it will be nine oh one precisely.' - who told me that
21.hrs. is CLOSING TIME.
- Walking-around I saw that many other eating-houses were shutting-down, too.
-- I ret'd. thither on
24th. at around
17.30hrs., none of the eating-houses seemed to be busy, even around
19.hrs. it was the same.
- Possibly fri. nights aren't popular nights for eating out?
one piece of rather fem.-looking eye-candy on duty, as did KFC..
-- I retired to DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twlight: off Suriwong rd.), wch. wasn't busy, either. There was a tall & most attractive piece of TH. eye-candy with a
farang - quite made my little heart go pitter-pat and even at my advanced age my Li'l. Bro. ... !

- The Soi was quite quiet, with several barkers, callers and/or touts doing their best to persuade, (read:
'Strong arm.'), walkers into their own particular a go-go bar for their o'priced. drinks & lacklustre shows.
-- Bibi.. --