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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 31st October 2008, 01:52 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Sounds interesting ... . Will put it on my "to do" list when I'm next in Bangkok.
... .
I note that the boys don't line up. On the one hand it does save us the awkwardness of choosing a human being from what seems like a slave market, on the other hand, choosing from a photo album tends to be even more of a hit and miss affair.
-- I hope that you'll be kept busy during your next visit hither!

-- I'll allow that I'd much prefer to see in the flesh who'll be my masseur rather than take a chance with some possibly dubious photo..
- After all - I'm not interested in the man and how he looked way-back and whenever but in how he looks today - right now and in front of me.
- But, from the boyz' viewpoint, it could be disappointing to be called-out to stand before some customer or other and then be rejected; but in that line of business that's how the Fortune Cookie crumbles, isn't it?
- This a'noon. I chatted with a couple of farang acquaintances who contribute to this and to other threads and I felt that they were in general agreement with me about wishing to see the masseurs before making a choice.
-- Bibi.. --
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