-- A web-acquaintance from another site reported-back on his experiences in some of BKK's. massage-parlors:
-- to save unnecessary repetition I've split his reply into the flg. cols. -
NAME - time & type of msg. - cost - decor. - msg. - TIPS - other comments.
1.- INDRA - 1 oil ------600 - avg - good - 100;
2.- P'DISE - 2 swed - 1,050 --gd -- gd --- 200;
3.- PRIME - 2 Th+oil - 550 -- avg - gd ---100;
4.- SENSO - With TIPS. at 1,000.Bh. 'We turned back.'!;
5.- SILOM - 2 Th+oil -- 750 - poor - gd --- 200;
6.- VI VAI - 2 Th+oil -- 800 - gd -- gd --- 200.
- Masseurs at INDRA & P'DISE. initiated 'Extras.' w/o. being asked.
-- No need to ask from wch. City-state the critic hails, is there?
-- Usual disclaimers! -- Bibi.. --