-- Y'day., (
13th.), evening -and having some moments in hand before going to visit my
Tee rak - I walked-along Tnn. Sanam Chai, wch. runs between the GRAND PALACE, wch. lies on its river-side, and the MIN. OF DEFENCE and the MIN. OF THE INTERIOR
etc. on its EASTWARD's side.
- Not too far along I met some young man of avg. height & build, roundish face and dk.-skinned, who was refreshingly direct in our meeting: '
I f*ck you!' was his opening remark;
no beating-about the bush there!
- I enquired if he has
Yai yao? He used his hands & fingers to shew me just how big he is - certainly MORE than avg. if he's to be believed? But he was unwilling to unveil - as it were - there. I explained that I was just '
Walking and looking.'
en route to joining my Thai boi for the night. He pressed me to go to an hotel with him, he would ask for only
500.Bh. and I could f*ck him if I wanted, too. But it was a case of '
Duty before pleasure.' - as one says.
- A few steps farther along three young men - actually MORE boyish looking - smilingly asked me where I was going and what did I want?
- Then along Tnn. Charoen Krung - by SARAN ROM PK., (100-29-43.E.x13-44-53.N.), -
two more attractive & young men asked me to join them - an invitation I had to refuse.
- '
Vaut le retour.' - as is said in G*y Paree!
Bibi.. --