Originally Posted by Keith
All the time and energy you spent counting threads and figuring out which of them came from the other side of the stateline could have been used more constructively responding to those very same threads, making those guys more likely to get involved with guys in CT.
All that "time and energy" took about 30 seconds to use the pull down menu at the bottom to show threads from a certain time frame. And it was real easy to see which ones were from NY and had NO replies. And I believe my profile says I'm from SE CT. Which is a minimum of two hours away from NY and should be obvious as to why I didn't reply to those threads to try to get involved with them! I get plenty of activity from people a lot more local thanks to OTHER cruise sites where I can narrow down the area I want to post ads in and search in.
If you wanted to go to a new restaurant near where you live, would you like the search to give you results of places over 100 miles away?