-- Y'day., (30th.), I met a Finnish couple who asked me for dirn's. to the MONTEIN HTL., (tnn. Suriwong.), where Finnair, (AY./FIN.), would be briefing their PAX. on the current sit'n..
- While I haven't cum-OUT to the LoS. to chat-up farangs yet this one was so attractive, (med. ht. & neatly built; clear skin with a complexion that suggested that he needed to shave but seldom; lt. gingerish hair; lt brown eyes.), - almost like eye-candy to these tired and olde eyes - that had he been unaccompanied I might have make a suggestion?
-- Today, (01st.), forenoon I spoke with a farang acquaintance whose flt. OUT has been postponed.
- He told me that y'day. he went to TG's temp'y. office on Tnn. Suriwong. He arr'd. around 09.oo.hrs., was given a numbered tkt. and asked to return later and during the a'noon.. He was seen by a clerk at around 16.hrs. and left at about 19.oo.hrs. clutching in his hot & little hand a confirmed tkt. for a flt. OUT in the next few days from the former USAF. base nr. PATTAYA.
-- Bibi.. --