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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Suck Cinema updates?
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Old 4th December 2008, 12:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Y'day., (03rd.), in between my cruises of IMPERIAL WORLD - SAMRONG, (qv.), I followed Khun Icon's dir'ns. to the STATE CINEMA -
- addr.: 1,584, moo1.,
Tnn. Sukhumvit, NORTH SAMRONG;
- co-ords.: 100-35-44.34.E.x13-39-08.76N.;
- BTS.: ON NUT,(E9.), and 20mins'. 'bus. ride thence;

- dir'ns. from IW. -
-- standing on the pavement on Tnn. S'vit. and in front of IW's. stairs 'neath. DUNKIN DONUTS
-- turn LEFT and walk with the tfc. - back twds. Cent. BKK. - for approx. 200yds.;
-- facing one will see a std. st. sign for Soi 78.; o'hd. is a large & steel gantry with the word STATE in Thai, Chinese & English; on one's RHS. is the former SUPER-SAVER, (taken-over now by some Uni.),;
-- turn LEFT and walk along Soi 78. away from Tnn. S'vit. for approx 145yds, at wch. pt. one will perceive a small & Ch. temple looking bldg.;
-- turn LEFT and walk-on for a further 50yds., (passing the first soi on one's RHS.);
-- look RIGHT along the second soi and at the end one will see the cinema - its has four red letters on its facade;
- walking time: approx. 5mins. from IW..
- tel.: not known;
- web: not known.

-- ETA.: approx. 14.50hrs.;
- Adm'n.: 50.Bh. - on entering the Box Offce. is on one's LHS.;
- Hawng nahms, (grotty-looking places.), are either side of a dull & red curtain;
- 16 steps will take one UP and into the centre of the videtorium ;
- a walkway runs across the cinema at that point; against either wall are MORE steps: 16 to a small landing and a further 12 to the rear wall;
- lighting is dim - it took my aged eyes approx. 20mins. to acclimatise;
- at the conclusion of the first movie - brave farang kills killer croc.! - the lights were switched ON and I was able to look-around: between the central ent'ce. and the screen the seating is in 2 blocks with plenty of leg-room; immediately behind the ent'ce. are a few rows of centrally located seats flanked by other blocks of seats, after wch. there is a central aisle.

-- for the 2nd. movie I moved to the back row and sat a couple of seats away from a neat and youngish-looking man. After a few moments he was joined by an older Thai. So I moved to the other end of the back row. After a few mins. the younger man joined me: tall & slim, the by now fashionable facial hair, while tee-shirt over greyish jeans. It didn't take long for his belt to be unbuckled and his jeans to be unzipped and I found myself kneeling before him - c'cised. cock with a well-developed cock-head and about 5ins.LOA.; so I smoked him to a desired conclusion; an handful of others had gathered to watch. Afterwards he adjusted his dress, thanked me politely and went elsewhere. Well - 'One swallow doesn'ty make a summer.', but it was better than I might have expected looking-at the small no. of spectators.
- I left at around 16.oo.hrs..

-- Bibi.. --
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