Originally Posted by pong
... .
I have bought an new busmap+guide-in Thai only-at SeeEd for 70 bt-marked PNMap-the map is very good-2 sided and has 1 side for big BKK-with ALL BigC-TL etc shown-and the other side with inner BKK-the map is 2-lingual and quite up to date.
-- Y'day., (
29th.), evening I was in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA and from SE-ED. bookstore bought the flg.:
1.- A copy of the a/m.
PN MAP: street, BTS., 'bus., river-ferry & MRT. Guide for
- ISBN. 9 789744 850386
2.- A copy of the latest
BKK. 'BUS. MAP, E3., pub'd. by ROADWAY, for
- ISBN. 9 789745 250451
-- Thanks for your kind suggestion.
-- As an aside cruising therin has been all too quiet these last few days - the
'Pest from BIG C.' has been sighted there.
Bibi.. --