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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 3rd January 2009, 08:24 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 64
A question

I have a general question.

By way of introduction, I’m in my third year as a full-time resident of Thailand and for the ten years before that I spent about three months a year here.

I’ve always preferred to do some offs from bars until I find someone that I feel really good about and then “deal” with him more or less exclusively... no longer visiting the bars. I’ve “known” my current friend about a year and the previous guy over five years. Both stopped working in the bars soon after we made the longer term arrangement. I’d like to think I develop a true friendship with these guys but I have no illusions about the nature of the relationship. For them it’s a primary source of income.

It’s only in the past year that I ever went for a massage (other than the very traditional, keep-your-clothes-on variety). Most notably I tried Hero twice. The first time was okay and the second was memorable, but I can’t say I find the experience all that great.

It seems that some of you go for a massage because you genuinely want a decent massage and the sexual aspect sort of completes the feel-good process. That makes sense to me.

On the other hand, quite a few of you seem primarily focused on the sex, with the massage being virtually irrelevant. If ever I were to consider going again, I’d probably belong to this group.

So my question is… why pay a massage business a relatively large amount for a boy who you will then be almost forced to tip a fairly large amount in order to have sex in what is usually a cramped room, often on a very small table and generally for little more than an hour even if you book him for a longer period of time? I’m not putting it down. Obviously different things appeal to different people which is, after all, what makes the world go ‘round.

It just seems to me that by offing a boy from a bar you’d have more freedom in the selection process, you can be together in your hotel or at home, which is bound to be more comfortable and if you want you can be with the boy for hours or even overnight. The overall cost would probably be no more than what you spend for an hour in the more upscale massage businesses. If you want a massage, the gogo boy could probably make a go at it and in many cases be no worse than some of the massage boys.

This may sound like I’m saying, “Hey what’s wrong with you ?” That’s not my intention at all. I’m genuinely trying to see why, if your main objective is sex as opposed to a proper massage, you would still rather spend an hour with a “masseur” instead of a longer time with a gogo boy. Maybe there’s something about the setting that’s a turn-on …or maybe gogo bars are a turn-off (I can definitely understand that).

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