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Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 4th January 2009, 01:16 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
Do you find being elderly or American a type of handicap worthy of notice or do you have such a vast number of " Acquaintances" that they require numerous labels to ensure proper identification?

-- "Guilty as charged, M'Lud.".
- I suppose that I could write that I was brought-up on the principle of: 'A place for everything and e'thing. in its place.'.

-- As for distinguishing between my various acquaintances and/or friends I daresay that I could write Mr. N. or whatever other name/letter I chose, (to preserve anonymity as they are not contributing directly themselves, but are being reported - oratio obliqua.), but -
1.- Being 'Elderly.' he should have acquired a certain amt. of experience and/or knowledge about our type of life-style - hence his views should have a certain value and not necessarily be accepted cum grano salis;
- I have no exact age when one changes from say 'Mature.' to 'Elderly.' - but possibly to me it indicates a LESS flexible mind and a MORE settled approach to being venturesome; maybe it's MORE of a mental state than a physical condition? Looking-back I can call to mind several people who were in their forties or thereabouts but mentally were far older and LESS alert than one might expect from someone of that comparatively young age; equally there are many spritely Senior Citizens who are anything by elderly as far as being enquiring, getting-about and so on and so forth.
2.- Being 'American.' to distinguish him from other nationalities whom I know.

-- I have nothing against being elderly myself - like you I'm becoming older every day! - nor against the large majority of American nationals with whom I'm acquainted.

-- Bibi.. --
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