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3. Some days ago I went to CARREFOUR at On Nut-just before the BTS-stop-Sukhumvit soi 77/1. This soi has a lot of massage-places-over a dozen (and another 10 bt/hr webshop too)-all at very low prices of just 100 bt/hr-Thai style-150-250 for various oil/arome types. All the normal standard-and very well used by 20.00. However the very last one-just before the Carref carpark-had a bevy of boys-only masseurs sitting out-and somehow looking like very close friends. Had no time and did not ask-maybe its just the low-cost all-open place-but its so cheap you might compare it what that money buys you. Then I thought this must be the very lowest rate in BKK for that-and then saw a 99 bt offer near Carrefour-Issararaphap/Thonburi-but only at slow hours-120 at busy times-thats the normal type though.
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-- Y'day., (14th.), I went to Soi S'vit. 77/1., (BTS.: ON NUT,[E9.],), to carry-out a recce. of the soi; I walked up & down several times to obtain a better look.
- Plenty of masage parlors there, all offering LOWER rates than in Central BKK. and with most prices all much of a muchness.
- From the soi outside many parlors looked to be kitschy-Thai themed, not helped by the usual posters of young looking masseusses doing their massages.
- I noticed plenty of prs. of shoes of various types left outside the doors - an indication of brisk business within, perhaps?
- I did not see anyone sitting outside.
-- After cruising-around CARREFOUR for quite some time I strolled-back through the soi leisurely. There was some young masseur using his cell-'phone. at the i'net. shop on the corner; so I waited to see to wch. parlor he would return - but after waiting 20 mins. I decided that enough was enough.
-- Bibi.. --