no, both this bus 511 and the red nr 2 have BOTH normal=thammada=blue shield route AND tang duan=via expressway=YELLOW shield variations. If you had asked for Onnut-the lady would have signed you it would not go there. On red buses it cost 2 bt more for an ex-way ride as normal. This system applies on more routes-like the 23-this comes on the Exway at the Bangna crossing. Some routes, like the 139/140/141/142 are all expressway-and others have only peak-hour fast workings. RED shields-esp those hanging out from windows on buses-denote a short working=does not go all the way. You really have to know your wits and BKK as a city to be able to get the grasp of that all.
Also: the long white bendibuses on 511=Merc. Benz always go via Sukhumvit-as they are not allowed on the Exway.