-- I had often rated banks - where senr. mngmnt. execs. have names like Figgertwist & Gottbucks - as being dull and stodgy places to which one lends money at some pathetically LOW rate but only to borrrow it at a much HIGHER sum, so that the a/m. bankers can continue to enjoy the life to wch. they've become accustomed.
-- However, y'day., (
11th.), and round and about
12nn. I had occasion to visit a major Thai bank's head office on the SOUTH side of Tnn. Si Lom.
- An elevator took me UP to the
4fl. where I was amazed at the amount of young eye-candy amongst the staff!
- I'll have to find an excuse to return - ha!
-- BKK. XTN. HOSP'L., (just across Tnn. Si Lom.), is
not without its share of eye-candy, either.
-- Bibi. --