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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 21st February 2009, 09:27 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Y'day., (21st.), night - and 'Puting duty afore pleasure.' - I decided to avail of LISA'S MASSAGE BEAUTY SPA. on Tnn. Suriwong, and chose a [u][2hrs'. std. & oil-massage/U] for 800.Bh..
- One of their masseuses assigned me to the only masseur that was sitting outside on the sidewalk: Khun PRAMAUN, 33YO., from I-San, who mentioned that he has six yrs. experience as a masseur and that I was his first customer of the day. Khun Pramuan is stocky, a pleasant face marred by some fashionable facial hair that was badly trimmed.
- There are ten masseuses and four masseurs there.
- We went UP to the TOP floor and into the massage room: approx. 8x11ft., small bath & shower - HW. htr. - at one end and full width looking-glass at the other; 3ft. wide massage table with head-hole; room neat & clean. Air cond. set to 76F., COLD for me but suited Khun Pramuan who remained fully clothed - red polo shirt over navy bl. trousers - all the time.
- A good std. massage, not hard; a certain amt. of time & attn. on those parts ... .
- The inevitable 'Happy ending.'; Khun Pramuan was not interested in my returning the favor; nor did he want to join me in the apres masage shower.
- After I'd stepped-OUT of the shower and dried myself I saw that Khun Pramuan carefully cleaned the floor to ensure that it was dry for the next customer. The table's covering was changed, too.
- Afterwards a cup of tea was given to me.
- Poor sound-proofing: we were able to hear a masseuse laughing & joking with her customer in some other room: a German judging by his gutteral tones.

-- Possibly worth a re-visit? But I'd be in no great hurry to do so.
-- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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