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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Strangest place you have Jacked Off...
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Old 1st March 2009, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 8
Watch Your LanguageQ

It’s quite a question. I’ve been jerking off since I was about nine years old, when what had been just an erection suddenly exploded all over me and I realised what a feeling that was.

I’ve done it in all the usual places, sometimes accompanied by guys with the same idea – parks, toilets, cars etc.

I guess the strangest place would be the school Language Laboratory. I was only about fifteen and the lesson was boring. I just stuck my hand in my pocket and was met with a great hard-on, which I couldn’t ignore. So I just went for it, hopefully discreetly, but I think a couple of guys noticed. And it’s not a great idea because you have to try and walk upright afterwards when your trousers are full of the sticky stuff.

Other than that – well I don’t know if it counts, because I didn’t do it myself, but I was jerked off by a guy in a very crowded lift (elevator). He was in front of me and just reached back, opened my flies and by the time we got to the top floor he had a handful. I realised how difficult it is not to shout out when you’re coming.

The only other one I can think of wasn’t a strange place but a strange situation. It was with one of my first boyfriends and I was on the phone to a friend. Not only did I have to talk whilst I was jerking off and coming, but I also had to say ‘hang on a second’ whilst I took a load in my mouth and had to then continue the conversation.
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