Originally Posted by Bago
... . On another point, I have noticed after penetrating a boy, sometimes I find the condom covered with brown stains -- faeces -- yuk!! Yet another point: I have once been told by a doctor that while urine is sterile, faeces are not, so you'd have to be careful.
-- I can well-remember, back in the 60s., (this was in the days before the concerns about HIV./AIDS. and the need for
SAFE SEX.), when I was working & travelling in GB., I o'nighted. in SHREWSBURY'S PRINCE RUPERT HTL. before pushing-on to Welsh Wales.
- Walking along the River Severn's bank I met some young man who offered me the
Final Favor, wch. I accepted. I wished that I hadn't.; after withdrawing I saw that my **** was covered in
faeces; gross

I must allow that I was seriously concerned for several weeks thereafter in case I'd contracted some foul disease - fortunately
not, much to my relief.
- Ever since then I've made it a point to carry both Condoms and a plentiful supply of tissues whenever I venture out on such escapades.
Bibi. --