-- Of late so many of my '
Talking boyz.' have voiced the same observation: '
Nitnoi farang.'

- I have suggested the flg. -
1.- Go
walking and looking in -
1.1.- Si Lom soi 4. - BALCONY, TAPAS and TELEPHONE BARS and
1.2. - Soi Twilight: BANANA, HOTMALE and MAXI'S BARS; also DICK'S. CAFE.;
2.- On the web look-at -
2.1.- CFS.;
2.2.- G*y Romeo;
2.3.- Silverdaddies and
:: Trevvy / SGBOY :: Lifestyle. Community. Me. (Gay Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Thailand Australia)
-- Anyother suggestions welcumed!
Bibi. --