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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 4th April 2009, 07:14 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Today, (04th.), a'noon. I was joined by my olde pal my olde beauty Billinbkk. in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, wch. was busier than for quite some time previously!
- He waxed enthusiastic about the flg. genuine massage parlor & SPA. -

- tel.: (02)-574 5416., (recept'n. - not always Eng.spkg.).;
- cell.: (081)-580 2323, (Eng.-spkg. mngr.),;
- web: ::::: Life Source - Body Massage & Treatment Center :::::
- The fairly comprehensive web-site has a map shewing its loc'n.: Khet Don Mueang area; also other pertinent info. to help one achieve the full benefits of one's massage etc. etc..
- hrs.: 10.-22.oo.hrs..
-- By report all masseurs are Min. of Pub. Hlth. cert'd.; but there's little mistaking that it's an M2M. estab. and that the masseurs need but little encouragement; Bill's. masseur was Khun Top!
- Vaut le detour..
-- E&OE. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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