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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Cruising Spots (Updated List?)
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Old 7th April 2009, 09:16 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Moving-away from the thread entitled: 'The Pest ... .' but still on the subject of cruising-around SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA*, y'day., (07th.), late a'noon. I took a walk-around hawng nahm LESS visited.
1. - parking areas on 5th., 6th. & 7th. fls. where there are small HN. by the inter-fl. stairs at the EAST or S. Daeng rd. end:
1.1. -5fl.: Nr. pillars 5B. & 5C.;
1.2.- 6fl.: Nr. pillars 6M. & 6R.;
1.3.- 7fl.: Nr. pillar 7M.

With the main door OPEN anyone standing o'side. & in th right loc'n. can see what's happening inside by availing of the wall-mtd. looking-glasses - AYOR. as there are the occasional Sec. Gd. on patrol or others outside for smoke-breaks or to speak on their cell-'phones. etc.;
2.- From the 10fl. parking area walk-up the stairs at the oposite or W. end, nr. pillars 10L. & 10N., to the 11fl., (TOP fl. of car-pkg.), outdoors' area. No HN., but possibly some secluded places - again AYOR.. Y'day. noted several cute-lkg. working boyz replacing metal sheeting & cladding on some of the roofs.
3.- There are HN. in the gen'l. area of the OFFICE BLK's. elevators; I took the elevators UP to the 29fl. and looked-in at the HN. there - quiet, so possibly only ayor.?
- NB.: In the OFFCE. BLK. not all elevators serve all fls. - some are LOW levels while others are HIGH levels.
- For availing of the OB. elevators there seems to be no gen'l. & o'all. Recept'n. area or Sec. Chkg. outside of the individual offices. However, being a farang with an assured air and reasonably smartly dressed should suffice.

-* - Tnn. Si Lom, (twds. its E. or Rama IV. rd. end.),;
- roughly 100-32-07.E.x13-43-42.N.;
- BTS. Sala Daeng, (S2.), direct access, or MRT. Silom, (along short skywalk.),.
-- Bibi. --
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