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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bar reports - BKK
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Old 11th April 2009, 11:22 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Y'day., (11th.), evening - after looking-in at MY WAY - my companion evinced a desire to visit SCREW BOYS, (P. Pong 2.),.
- ETA.: around & about 22.hrs.;
- Drinks: I didn't see what we were charged; several katoeys as waitresses, all of whom had passed their sell-by dates many, many yrs. before;
- Smoking of ciggies allowed
- Fairly full;
- There was one young boi, #95., (who held my companion's att'n.), - dressed in jeans - dancing quite energetically on the raised lip of the stage; a backing of the usual R&F. a go-go boyz - none of whom merited a 2nd. glance. After a while the jeans were removed and there he was in just a pr. of dk. red briefs and a cloth around his neck to absorb the p'piration.; just before the lts. were dimmed he was joined by a couple MORE dancers;
- Hse. lts. dimmed at around 22.15.hrs.; two of the a/m. dancers joined an elderly farang whose table was well-loaded with bottles & with glasses;
- Just one act: a bold show. A well-endowed T*p and not the usual & effem. B*tt*m. After some time on the stage the pr. walked-amongst us voyeurs, some of whom shewed their approval in the usual & acceptable manner;
- Hs. lts. came-ON, the R&F. boyz ret'd. to the stage to their usual 'We will rock you.' act.
- My companion and I left soon after, with neither of us expressing any gt. interest in returning sometime soon.
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