This is not related to sex ormassage but it might be useful to those who frequently visit Thailand and buy a sim card to use there. I remember reading posts about you guys having to buy a new sim card whenever you arrive Thailand as the old one is already expired. I used to do this too but on my recent trip to Bangkok, I went to the DTAC counter at the arrival level. I enquired the boy working there if there is anyway I can extend the validity of my sim card. I was told I can do this by paying 2baht per month and the longest one can extend is 1year. Later, you can do the extension again. I am not sure about those using True or AIS but I think it can be done if you check at their counter in the airport.
So, now I am rather happy as I can give my mobile nbr to the boys and not worrying if it will be still serviceable on my next trip.