-- Y'day., (23rd.), evening, en route to join my tee rak, I had some time in hand, so I looked-in SARANROM PK..
- After a while of sitting-down and of looking-at what appeard to be some film crew I was joined by Khun Ae: a well-built and pleasant-looking 20YO. from I-San, who - after some conversation, he alleged that he prefers to be a King., but is willing ... - proposed that we go to a nearby hotel. Well - why not, pray?
- We walked to the PALACE HOTEL, (vide supra for futher info.), entered via the car pkg. area - by-passing Recept'n. - and up to the 2fl. where, on my giving 100Bh. to the room-boi, (as instructed), we were shewn to an empty room.
- The room is approx. 10x15ft., tiled on both fl. & walls, std. queen-sized bed, (MORE comfortable than in the S'wong. Htl's. cheaper & short-time rms.), a large looking glass on one of the walls; air-cond. & o'hd. fan - tall men watch yr. heads!; there is a std. en suite toilet & shower room.
- Well, well-built or not, prefering to be a King or otherwise, he wasn't well-endowed; it was hard work for both of us for him to achieve what he wanted, wch. reminded me of a couple of that playwright's plays whose b'day. was celebrated on St. George's Day!.
- Afterwards I paid him the std. & expected fee before going-off elsewhere.
-- Bibi. --