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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Being young gay with the Internet...
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Old 24th April 2009, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886
Being young gay with the Internet...

It amazes me to think of what the young guys have as resources these days...

I am in my mid 40's so there was no Internet when I was a teen just starting to experiment and figure sexuality out.

It must be so different - with the click of a mouse they learn about different activities that we only heard about in whispers and can even see pictures. I remember when I was old enough to get into the dirty bookstore and they had booths with 8mm movies and some of them were gay films - it was AMAZING and now I look at the easy access to gay porn on the net.

I think there would be a lot of benefits to growing up today - but also a lot of drawbacks. The message boards, chat rooms, cam rooms would be so exciting but knowing how perpetually horny I was back then I wonder how much trouble I would have gotten into...

There is no point to this post - just been thinking about how different it is now....
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