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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Being young gay with the Internet...
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Old 7th June 2009, 05:42 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400
Internet and Gay Sex...

No doubt, internet has changed absolutely everything. As it is the case with all such overwhelming and revolutionary changes, some of the change was for better, and some, inevitably so, for the worse.

Communication became very cheap, easy and universally accessible. Things can get done very quickly and with the greatest of ease. Few people are bothered to plan on anything, be happy about it, and see their ideas and plans come to fruition. Everything can be quickly re-re-re--negotiatied and re-re-re-arranged anyway... The virtues of timely and complex planning are being forgotten and many of our lives are in a positive mess, simply because we continue projecting the comforts of the cyber world into the complexities of the real life environment unlearning all the vital skill needed to help cope with its intricacies.

Internet has helped raise awareness of the gay related issues via blogs, sites, and networks. Being gay has become a largely acceptable thing. To the point that it really does not matter to anyone at all. An important sense of identity is being watered down and eventually lost.

It has become so much easier to hook up for sex. Either because you can meet other dudes via numerous dating portals or because it is very easy to discover where to cruise for sex. By that very same token, more and more fellow cruisers are treating each other without the basic modicum of respect. Everyone is so easily replacable, and no one, but no one deserves the second look, second thought or possibly any thought for that matter.

A better, bigger, younger, richer, whatever dude is lurking just around the corner anyway. Sadly, that 'bigger, richer and better' too, is looking for a bigger, better, younger and richer and so, the hunt goes on and on...

If anything, I love the www. world. Life has gotten a bit better and a whole lot easier with it. People are just people and they have not changed that much for better, IMHO, that is..

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