Originally Posted by chrisgowa
Obviously, the final word remains with LSC. The question is now (after seeing some sage advice) which stings more/longer rejection or regret?
Speaking on a purely personal level, the hardest and most enduring is the regret that I should have been more direct but was not. I lost touch with a man that I have been looking for since high school. Coulda, woulda, shoulda... I will not make that mistake again.
David, if you read this; you SHOULD have gone for it. I was waiting on you.
Hey Chris:
Sorry to read about your regret.
On an equally personal note, I too, have gone my part of the way in offering whatever was on the table at the moment.
Yet, you CAN bring the horse to the water, but you can't make him drink it... .
So, I have learnt not to have regrets of this kind. It always takes two to tango. The other guy must be able, wise and willing to receive your signals, too. If you are sending them against the concrete wall, not much of a smart response will ever echo back...