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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Being young gay with the Internet...
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Old 24th June 2009, 05:41 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
It amazes me to think of what the young guys have as resources these days...

I am in my mid 40's so there was no Internet when I was a teen just starting to experiment and figure sexuality out.

It must be so different - with the click of a mouse they learn about different activities that we only heard about in whispers and can even see pictures. I remember when I was old enough to get into the dirty bookstore and they had booths with 8mm movies and some of them were gay films - it was AMAZING and now I look at the easy access to gay porn on the net.

I think there would be a lot of benefits to growing up today - but also a lot of drawbacks. The message boards, chat rooms, cam rooms would be so exciting but knowing how perpetually horny I was back then I wonder how much trouble I would have gotten into...

There is no point to this post - just been thinking about how different it is now....
Well, these days young gay guys, are taking shooting porn of themselves and uploading them to tube sites. I never understood if they really comprehend that what they put up now can come back and bite them in the ass if they decide to make certain career choices.

This video here : Shot my load in gay twink mouth - Video - Gay Porn Juice - Gay Tube Great for my personal play time but is it always wise to show off everything that happens in the bedroom?
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