Well said. It is a sad fact that, even in 2009, official anti-Gay repression is alive and well in the USA
Undercover police just completed a sting operation here, entraping several gay men and citing them with life-changing criminal offenses, including some that would mandate life-long sex offender registration.
The facts of these June 20, 2009, arrests are illuminating and profoundly frightening: They occurred close to midnight, in the heart of the Warm Sands neighborhood of Palm Springs, CA.
It is telling that the Palm Springs Police Department chose to utilize its shrinking resources to entrap gay men in the middle of the gayest neighborhood of the gayest city in California.
Kudos to the Ft. Worth Community for pushing back and standing up for itself. I hope there will be a similar outpouring of Community concern in Palm Springs. But that remains to be seen....