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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 3rd July 2009, 09:47 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by scoops View Post
What further details would you like to know about Bento?
I'd like to know what the basic charges are for a single massage. They list costs for multiple massage coupons or cards.

What's the minimum tip, if any is stated?

Is it like most of the higher end places where the boy is naked throughout, showers with you ...

Not exactly "details," but it would be nice to hear from several people who have visited the place concerning the number of boys on duty at any given time, if they have a common physical profile or have a variety of physiques & sexual orientations.

I know that's a lot and will take time before reports come in, but as I say I don't have a lot of time in Bangkok to experiment so I depend (at least initially) on a consensus of opinion to direct me.

It would be nice if Bento provided some pictures of the boys who are working there ... and not pictures of very sexy boys who probably have nothing to do with the place ... and listed prices & tips on their website.

Probably the best place I've been is Hero and I know they don't even have a website, but just about every report I've read has been very positive, which is why I went there in the first place. The only thing I have against them is that their popularity has turned the place into something of a madhouse.

Senso has had mixed reviews, but their website was well done ... showing their nice facilities and photos of many of their masseurs.

Bento hasn't had time to garner many reviews and their website leaves a lot to the imagination.

Incidentally, I emailed both Senso and Bento with a couple of questions. Senso replied promptly. So far, Bento ... nothing. That has nothing to do with the potential massage experience, but it does say something about how business-like they may be in responding to customers.
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