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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 4th July 2009, 08:39 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325
Meanwhile, at Soi Plukjit

The SGT forum had a bit of spamming recently from a massage place called "Candle Paradise Spa". I was a bit confused why it had a name similar to Candle T Spa. Has Candle T passed on, and been reincarnated thus?

I went to Soi Plukjit today and can report that it was Candle T Plus that passed on. Candle Paradise Spa occupies the same shop unit, i.e. No. 18/464.

Candle T Spa continues to occupy its two shop units, with 18/455 serving as its reception.

The two are said to be owned by the same person, together with Gents Spa, at No. 18/459.

All three seem to charge the same price: 900 baht for a 90-minute massage.

If my experiences at Candle T are to be relied on, the massage quality is usually very good. The boys however remain clothed (sometimes in shorts, soemtimes in T-shirt and shorts) during the session, and generally the happinness that one ends with is by means of a hand. However, more may be negotiated if the masseur is willing, I suppose.

Out of curiosity, could I ask others here, what was the furthest you have gone with a masseur from these shops - Candle T Spa, the late Candle T Plus, Gents Spa? Or for that matter, at its competitor along the next block - Sanctuary Spa?
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