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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Nude dancing
Thread: Nude dancing
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Old 13th July 2009, 08:24 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by chobphoochaithai View Post
I'm a frequent go-go bar goer and enjoy the company of young asian males wearing little or next to nothing. The ultimate experience, however, would be a venue where the guys are totally naked. I'm still looking for such a bar but haven't been successful so far.
It does seem that if bars are able to organize shows with big cock contests or fucking shows, neither of which I find at all interesting, that having boys dance naked and not erect wouldn't be that difficult.

As I recall, and I could have my facts jumbled, Twilight Bar, the predecessor of HotMale use to have the boys naked during some parts of the evening and I remember when some of the boys came over to sit with you they would get naked. And, some of the boys at Boys Studio in Pattaya used to spend much of the evening, on and off stage, naked. The old Adam's Apple used to have some times when boys were naked. Not quite what you're looking for and less likely to happen these days.

At some of the smaller bars in Pattaya, like Tom Yum or Happy (when it reopens) you can probably get a group of boys to dance naked on the balcony or away from the main area ... but that's still not exactly what you want. I don't think you're going to find exactly what you want, but would be very happy to be proven wrong ... and will muscle you out of the way getting to front row center wherever.

You might email Mark at Krazy Dragon and ask him. He's very accomodating and helpful. Of course if you get any kind of a positive response or reaction, you must PM me or I'll put a curse on you.
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