love the sensation of a stranger's mouth on my cock... the licking of the head and shaft... his tongue all over my cock, as if it was measuring the length of my cock and its circumference... the soft/hard flexibility of his tongue exploring and savoring... knowing that my meat is being relished as you start to suck... my cock pulsating and oozing as the mouth action is so eager and so wonderful ... yes, getting longer and arching upwards as a hand begins to stroke my cock ... my balls tighten as my cock spasms ... oh, so ready to explode ... i try to edge andenjoy but it IS SO GOOD and my cock seems to have a mind of its own... as loud cockslurping ensues with the flow of precum... my entire cock on the otherside as my face is pressed against the wall and ohhh.... spurts of jizz shoot, the force is unexpected in a way... depending on the passion of the stranger's mouth... can't stop shooting, mmmm mmmm dumping a full load ... mmmm ... MMMMMM ...