-- For those Gentle Readers living outside of The Kingdom, who might be unable to obtain the various freebie mags., the flg. info. about KORAT*, the Gateway to I-San, might be helpful when considering your future and upcountry vacations -
- Reportedly a newly opened SPA. with various kinds of massage ... selection of handsome masseurs ... .
- tel.: (081)-646 1319..
2.- X-SIZE - The 'Coyote.' Boy;
- Reportedly a newly opened pub. complete with sound & light system ... many shows ...cute coyote boys, handsome dancers, cabaret show and much, much more.
- tel.: (081)-6461319..
- source: Freebie & monthly mag. Variety - VIII. #76..
--* KORAT is approx. 160M NE. by road from BKK.;
- KORAT does not have its own functioning airport, the nearest airport is at BURIRAM - BFV.;
- KORAT is a rly. junc. town.
-- Usual disclaimers. --