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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 4th August 2009, 08:13 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325
Sextile visits Aromass on foot

Dated 2 October 2008:

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Y'day., (02nd.), I decided to visit AROMASS.;
- addr.: 105/703, Nawamin rd., Soi 57., Yeak, (sub-soi), 3.
Klong Kum, Bung Kum, BKK. 10240..
- One may have to search for the house as there is no large sign - it's advertised discreetly; I found it by keeping an eye open for the house-nos..
- loc'n.: 100-38-52E.x13-47-15N., (approx.);
- guides: freebie mags. MAX. VII.:77. & Variety. VII:66..
- tel.: (085)-830 0010.;
- web.: Aromass
- walking from THE MALL - B. KAPI it's approx. 40mins.;
- 'buses.: many 'buses. run-along Tnn. Nawamin; combining the 'buses. that I saw and my BKK. 'bus. map. the most useful ones would appear to be: #44.-Gd. Palace area; #71.-E. 'bus. term'l. area; #96.-C'chak. area; #115.-Tnn. Si Lom; #502.-Victory Mon't..

-- ETA.: 15.45.hrs..
- The estab. is quite new, clean and cared-for.
- I chose a 90mins'. oil-massage; tariff price 900.Bh. but opening-promo. price at 50%. discount; but that the MINIMUM TIPS. of 1,000.oo.Bh. would be welcumed!
- Masseur Khun Seat; 28YO.; speaks ltd. English.
- Massage room approx. 8ft.x8ft.; mattress on the floor; neat and clean.
- I showered in a neat and clean area; but the Qual. Control/O&M. Engr. in me noted that while it looked good to a cursory glance the actual finishing-off was not so carefully completed.
- Khun Seat was awaiting me with just a towel wrapped-around him - hint! While not exactly chubby he was starting to become well-covered as opposed to being thin and with every rib shewing; better for those who like stg. to get hold of!
- After several mins. his technique left me in little doubt as to the eventual outcum. A good and thorough massage - especially for those parts upon wch. the sun doesn't shine usually. We concluded with a mutual Happy Ending.
- A final shower for both of us.

-- How does AROMASS compare with WHITE HOUSE SPA.? I've been to the latter just once - masseur Aum.
- I'd say that WH. wins by a short head - I prefer younger masseurs and Khun Aum's massage was marginally MORE to my taste and satisfaction. Plus WH. is nearer and thus MORE convenient to THE MALL and also to the khlong ferry.
- I shall return to AROMASS for another massage at a later date.
- I was told that their opening promo. of 50%. red'n. will run for all of oct. and maybe until this year's end? Possibly will need re-confirm'n. later on?

-- NB.: The final returning khlong ferry from THE MALL back to central BKK. leaves some time before 19.hrs..
- Thus I caught a returning #115 along Tnn. Ramkahaeng - fare to Tnn. Si Lom was 12.Bh..

-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
I believe the above was what you were lookng for?
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